Instant Web Design & Development Quote

Get an instant quote on your next web site project. Just select the features you need, and we’ll provide an instant estimate.

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Your Business

We define web design costs based on complexity of the project. There are three tiers to start from:

Small Company

A simple template-based website, with minimum requirements.


A well-designed website with intermediate complexity for Small-to-Midsize Business.


Advanced website with with cutting-edge design and custom web-development.

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+$200 per query







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+$200 per page

+$100 per post

+$100 per page

+$400 per image

+$800 per video

+$400 per page

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Amazon Reviews, etc.


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Design Details

+$200 per page

+$80 per page

+$15 per image

+$50 per custom page

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Custom Design

We create a custom well-designed theme based on the project requirements. The theme comes with custom home, inner and landing page designs.

Premium Design

Cutting-edge custom website design. Performance-oriented development with 508 Compliance adaptation. You get a fully-accessible, SEO-friendly website.

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Features & Services

Search Engine Optimization

Original, engaging content.

Sell products or services online

Fully-accessible Website +$600

General Data Protection Regulation (EU) +$200

Advanced features or integrations

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Other Features

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Final cost

The final estimated price is :


Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :

Pagamento Seguro

Todos os nossos pagamentos são processados via PayPal ou Stripe. Você não precisa de uma conta do PayPal e não armazenamos nenhum detalhe de cartão de pagamento em nosso site.

Sem taxas ocultas

Não há custos ocultos, taxas de instalação ou de rescisão associadas aos nossos pacotes de SEO. Todos os nossos planos são claros. Não cobramos por nenhum serviço adicional.

Sem terceirização

Nossa equipe não terceiriza nenhum dos serviços de SEO externamente. Preferimos ter o controle de todos os processos internamente e oferecer a melhor qualidade a longo prazo.